Real Estate Development Fund
Helping investors earn strong risk-adjusted returns while creating new housing in Southern Ontario
Different From Other Real Estate Investments
Investing in development is project finance — not dependent on legacy rents or capital appreciation. Investors participate in the profit generated from the manufacturing of the new housing supply.
Continued Demand for New Housing
The population of Ontario is projected to grow by an additional 2.5 million residents over the next ten years giving investors an opportunity to capitalize on the need to build more housing.
RRSP & TFSA Eligible
Investors can invest in the Cranson Capital Real Estate Development Fund using registered accounts such RRSP and TFSA’s to earn returns over a long-term in a tax efficient manner.
$50 Million
Target Raise
Transaction Range
4 to 6
Investments in a Diversified Portfolio
$3M to $15M

Fund Leadership and Advisory Board
Devon Cranson, CPA, CMA
Founder & President, Cranson Capital
Anthony Heller
President & CEO, Plazacorp
David Goldman
Former President,
Gateway Newstands
Ronnie Mandowsky
Former President,
Pelican Woodcliff
Tony Moro
Principal & CEO,
TMG Builders
Shlomo Marder
CFO, Nortown Electric;
President, Marder Foundation

What you can expect from us
Investment Philosophy: To become equity partners with experienced developers, capitalizing on their ability to generate profits. The Fund intends to maximize returns while mitigating downside risk for investors by diversifying across a portfolio of projects.
Diversification: The Fund will invest in development of new residential real estate mainly in Southern Ontario. Investments are expected be diversified by property type including high-rise, mid-rise, low-rise and rezoning opportunities with a variety of developers.
Deal Structuring: The Fund, through the Limited Partnership, will structure investments to prioritize return of capital and priority hurdles for the Fund. The Fund may invest as debt or equity targeting project IRRs of 18% or higher.
What we look for
Deal Sourcing: The Fund will utilize existing relationships and deal flow from developers along with our network of industry contacts.
Due Diligence: The Fund will conduct thorough due diligence to determine the suitability and structure of investments.
Investment Approvals: The Fund will require approval from its Advisory Board before committing to any investment.
Project Oversight: Developers will provide the Fund project status reports, bank statements, quarterly financial statements and sales activity reports. Development projects will be governed by a Development Management Agreement (DMA). The DMA will outline the responsibilities of the Developer and include approval rights and certain protections in favour of the Fund.